
Pillars of Natural Life style

Acharya K. Lakshmana Sarma ( 1879-1965 )

Our science of Nature cure is based on the principles propounded by Ach. K. Lakshmana Sarma (1879-1965) who is known as Father of Nature-Cure in India. He laid the foundation of scientific Nature Cure in India and in 1913 he radically cured himself through this divine Science of Health. He propagated this science which is based on the valuable inputs traced out by him from Vedic scriptures and the various holy books like Bhagwad Geeta, Shri Ramcharitmanas etc..

Undoubtedly his most remarkable & greatest contribution to the Nature Cure movement has been the invention of Spinal Bath Tub, a remarkable tool for curing insomnia and toning up the entire nervous system of the body.

He wrote many books like Pranayam or Breathing for Better Health, Practical Nature Cure, Constipation & Dyspepsia Cause & Cure, Fasting Cure & Vital Economy etc. One of his famous books titled as “Practical Nature Cure” is being taught as a text book for naturopathy courses in many universities.

He spread this science for around 50 years till 1965 and he further mentored Acharya Sheshadri Swaminathan Ji to continue the work of curing the masses through Nature Care.

Acharya Sheshadri Swaminathan (1921 to 2006)

Acharya Sheshadri Swaminathan Ji (1921-2006) came in contact with Acharya Lakshman Sarma in 1948 to learn “NATURAL HYGIENE” in depth. He learnt the Science of Nature Cure with complete dedication and then decided to remain celibate and dedicate his whole life to propagate this science for the benefit of humanity.

He is also the author of many books on Natural Hygiene in English and Hindi like Prakritik Swasthya Shastra, Swadhin Swasthya Mahavidya, Swasthya Ke Mool Sidhant, Rogon Se Chhutkara, Prakrtik Chiktsa Ka Vagyanik Aadhar, Science of Natural Hygiene, Scientific Basis of Nature Cure etc.

He emphasized that spread up of this science should never be commercialized. None should make it a profession or business so that the sanctity and grace of this great knowledge is not compromised.

Hundreds of people got miraculously cured forever by following his teachings and many of them became his dedicated followers like Sh. Baldev Krishan Verma, Sh. Kewal Krishan Jhamb, Sh. Ram KUMAR GUPTA.

He always wanted that some of his passionate followers to carry forward his mission in spreading knowledge of how to remain healthy and fit without any drugs and medicines. His foremost disciple Acharya Sh. Mohan Gupta accepted this challenge and furthered his mission in the service of humanity.

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